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		                                    LJS Founding People		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">LJS Founding People - Montefiore, Mattuck, Moos</span>


Photo by Kat Yukawa on Unsplash

The LJS has always recognised an obligation to others outside our community and one way it does so is by raising money for various charities. Members and Friends generously contribute to the High Holy Day Appeal and are part of this ethos of care for others. In 2022 the High Holy Day Appeal raised an astonishing £70,165.00. As is our custom, we supported an Israeli charity, an Anglo- Jewish charity, and a UK charity.

We are also grateful to those who support the synagogue financially in a variety of ways: by paying their membership fees, by donations, by helping those who cannot afford their subscriptions, and by leaving a legacy. Particularly, the LJS acknowledges the financial support of the President's Patrons.

The LJS Yom Kippur Appeal 5783/ 2022

‘Every act of charity and deed of kindness that Israel performs in this world does much to make peace and is an important intercessor between Israel and their Creator who is in Heaven’ (Bava Batra 10a). How much more is this true on the eve of Yom Kippur when, after making peace with one’s fellow human being, a person seeks to make peace between the poor person and their Creator. How? By charity and deeds of kindness to the poor. (S.Y. Agnon, ‘Days of Awe’) As is our custom in choosing which three charities to support for our Yom Kippur Appeal, we have selected a UK charity, an Anglo-Jewish charity, and an Israeli charity. 

Our Yom Kippur Appeal this year supports three charities.

Little Village located in Camden and other London boroughs, runs a baby bank and family liaison service, supporting impoverished families with children under the age of five

Raphael – The Jewish Counselling Service is a generic broad-based service to adults in the Jewish community who are struggling with emotional difficulties particularly exacerbated by the pandemic

Physicians for Human Rights Israel is a non-profit organisation working to promote equality and social justice through a number of projects in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank through the lens of health.

To watch our Yom Kippur Appeal Youtube video, please click here.

If you would like to donate online, please click here.
Please ensure that you indicate your donation as YK Appeal 2022 and how you would like it split between the charities. 

Wed, 11 September 2024 8 Elul 5784