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  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Community Care InterGen meal		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Community Care Meal - June Singer and George Blumenthal</span>

Activities at the LJS

The LJS is proud to host a number of regular weekly, monthly or annual activities:

Archive Tuesdays

The Archive Team works in the Assembly Hall most Tuesdays. Onsite activities include sorting historical papers, cataloguing, and photo preservation. If you have the use of a computer you can also help load documents into our web repository off-site.

If you interested in volunteering in person or financially or have any other questions, please contact our archivist.

(Picture: the first purpose-built LJS under construction in 1923. This is one of a number of historic LJS photos which are in urgent need of preservation.)



Bridge Club

This small group of friendly and enthusiastic players meets on Monday afternoons from 2:00-4:30pm.

The cost is £2 per afternoon for members and £3 for non-members, and includes tea/coffee and biscuits and all equipment. There is very little waiting if numbers are uneven as dummy moves round. The standard of the group is intermediate to advanced. Help can be given to less confident players, but you do need to know how to play to a basic level.

For more details, please leave a message with the LJS by calling 020 7286 5181 or you can email ljs@ljs.org 




LJS Film Club


The LJS Film Club will relaunch in Autumn 2023. Join Searle Kochberg for these bi-monthly sessions.


Walking Group

The Walking Group will be back soon. Please check in here for further details. 

The LJS Walking Group is for everyone of all abilities, and meets on the second Thursday of the month for a walk through Regent’s Park, and ending up at a cafe for refreshments. 

Four-legged friends are welcome. 

The organisers are happy to walk with anyone who would like a social distance walk. For enquiries, please contact the office via email, or call 020 7286 5181 for a message to be passed on to the team.

Wed, 11 September 2024 8 Elul 5784