Please come along to our Shabbat services. Our Sanctuary doors are wide open! Erev Shabbat services start at 6.45pm Friday evenings and 11am Saturday mornings. If you prefer, you can also watch our services on our YouTube channel.
What does it mean to build bridges in times of deep division? This week's parashah, Yitro, offers us an extraordinary model of cross-cultural wisdom and unexpected alliance. At its heart is a remarkable encounter: a Midianite priest, Jethro, observing ....
The LJS News January/February

Our tribute to Jenny Nathan; report on the Rabbi John Rayner Conference; Rabbi Alex’s High Holy Day reflections; Yom Kippur Appeal; LJS Lithuania trip; article on the doctor/patient relationship; profiles of new Council members. Plus services, the new Learning Circle programme and community news.
We feature Rabbi Dr Charles Middleburgh’s tribute to Rabbi John Rayner; the Kessler family memoir; Clare Cohen’s Summer Reading choices; profiles of our new rabbinic student Dea Kulikovsky and volunteers Joany Weinberg and Wendy Mote. Plus new AGM appointments, services, forthcoming events, classes, community news.
We are seeking to appoint a further full-time or part-time Rabbi to join the team led by our Senior Rabbi, Alexandra Wright. This is an exciting time to be part of the LJS, please click here for full details of the post and how to apply.
Forthcoming events
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Special Events
Fri, 14 February 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785